Wednesday, April 8, 2009

No K4C of CHAOS tonight ~ Holy Week

We will not meet tonight.

We think families should spend time together during Holy Week and we encourage you to spend the evening with your family. Holy Week is the most important week of the year for Christians. It is a time for us to remember the events that led up to the death and resurrection of Jesus. Following are some of the days with specific events celebrated by Christians during Holy Week:


Palm Sunday marks the day that Jesus entered Jerusalem riding on a colt. The people waved palms to honor Jesus. In Jesus' day, people waved palms to welcome royalty. We celebrated Palm Sunday with our special Easter Cantata on Sunday.


These three days are simply called, Holy Monday, Holy Tuesday and Holy Wednesday. The Bible doesn't give us full details of the events of these days. Wednesday is sometimes called Spy Wednesday because it is the first day that Judas conspired to betray Jesus for the 30 pieces of silver.

Read alou
d Matthew 26:14-16.

Judas betrayed Jesus for the amount of about 120 days wages back then. Was Jesus' life on earth worth more than 30 pieces of silver? Why or why not? What was the true value of Jesus' life to your family?


Tomorrow is Maundy Thursday, sometimes called Holy Thurday. The name Maundy is Latin for "command," and it refers to the new commandment Jesus gave his disciples to love one another. Many churches celebrate this day with an Agape Feast or Love Feast, footwashing service, or observance of communion. Bethel will have a Love Feast at 6:30 pm. We hope you will attend with your family!


Good Friday is the day that Jesus died on the cross. It's typically a solemn day for Christians as we consider the suffering Jesus endured. Because we know the end of the story, though, we can celebrate His death.

Easter Sunday is at the heart of our Christian faith, for it's the Resurrection that distinguishes our faith from all other religions. It is this day that we proclaim to the world that Christ is more than a good man; he is the resurrected Savior!

Jesus came to Earth and died so that we may be forgiven for our sins and know God!

Praise Him!

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