Sunday @ 11 am service. All children from K4C will be recognized for their part in the Agents in Action series. We will be calling all parents tomorrow as a reminder and to ask if you could bring the children about 30 minutes early on Sunday so we can go over a couple of things we would like them to do during the service. Basically, they will be asked to read a bible verse and then they will receive a certificate and pin for their attendance.
We will also talk about our New Middle School group! Yes, we are very excited that Daniel Skinner and Brittany Burnham will be leading a Middle School group on Wednesday nights at 6:00! They are planning great things for our kids in or going into Middle School this year!!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
We were there!
More than 2,000 showed up in Starke to hear Tim Tebow preach about his faith and we were there! Bethel bused 21 people, mostly under the age of 18, to Starke yesterday to hear the Good News from Tim Tebow! It was an exciting event and youth from several nearby counties were there. Bethel was well represented and the kids were on their best behavior! We were very proud of them all.
The event was sponsored by First Baptist Church of Starke and they did an excellent job. The crowd was well maintained and accommodated, special thanks to Miss Sherry, the High School Resource Officer for helping our kids find seats! And my personal thanks to Miss Lynn and Miss Dawn for taking care of the kids on the bus and making sure they had a snack and PB&J for dinner! Additional thanks to Mr. Richard for navigating and Mr. Coco for driving! We couldn't have been there without your help!
The event was sponsored by First Baptist Church of Starke and they did an excellent job. The crowd was well maintained and accommodated, special thanks to Miss Sherry, the High School Resource Officer for helping our kids find seats! And my personal thanks to Miss Lynn and Miss Dawn for taking care of the kids on the bus and making sure they had a snack and PB&J for dinner! Additional thanks to Mr. Richard for navigating and Mr. Coco for driving! We couldn't have been there without your help!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
This Week @ K4C
Youth Rally in Starke
Wednesday, May 28th
We will meet at Bethel at 5:15 pm to travel by bus to the Youth Rally in Starke at David Hurse Stadium at 6:30 pm. The Rally will last about 2 hours, so we should return to Bethel around 9:15-9:30. Parents are asked to send a sacked supper for kids. Parents are encouraged to attend as is everyone else!! Wear your Gator Gear or your K4C shirts!!
Mission Accomplished\Agent Pinning Ceremony
Sunday, June 1st, 11:00 am
God's new Special Agents will be recognized during the 11:00 am service at Bethel. K4C will participate and help lead the service!
Wednesday, May 28th
We will meet at Bethel at 5:15 pm to travel by bus to the Youth Rally in Starke at David Hurse Stadium at 6:30 pm. The Rally will last about 2 hours, so we should return to Bethel around 9:15-9:30. Parents are asked to send a sacked supper for kids. Parents are encouraged to attend as is everyone else!! Wear your Gator Gear or your K4C shirts!!
Mission Accomplished\Agent Pinning Ceremony
Sunday, June 1st, 11:00 am
God's new Special Agents will be recognized during the 11:00 am service at Bethel. K4C will participate and help lead the service!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Upcoming Events
Stuffed with Hugs
Saturday, May 17th, Build-A-Bear Workshop (BABW).
We will leave Bethel at 8:30 am. Please let us know ahead of time if you will attend so we can secure transportation. We will go to BABW, make bears to donate, eat lunch in the Mall Food Court and return to Bethel around 1:00 pm.
Agents In Action - Lesson 13
Wednesday, May 21st, Youth Annex
We will meet at 6:00 pm in the Youth Annex, then at 7:00 we will move down to the Fellowship Hall for the Family Night covered dish dinner. We are meeting this way so we may attend the Youth Rally in Starke on May 28th.
Youth Rally in Starke
Wednesday, May 28th
We will meet at Bethel at 5:15 pm to travel to the Youth Rally in Starke at David Hurse Stadium at 6:30 pm. We are still gathering the details of this event, but there will be a special guest speaker! Ask Miss Amy who it is!
Mission Accomplished\Agent Pinning Ceremony
Sunday, June 1st, 11:00 am
God's new Special Agents will be recognized during the 11:00 am service at Bethel. K4C will participate and help lead the service!
Free Refreshment Stands
Throughout the Summer months, K4C will run a Free Refreshment Stand. On the first Wednesday of each month, we will travel to a place in the community to hand out free treats. Our first stop will be the Dollar Crazy store off Marion Street.
Saturday, May 17th, Build-A-Bear Workshop (BABW).
We will leave Bethel at 8:30 am. Please let us know ahead of time if you will attend so we can secure transportation. We will go to BABW, make bears to donate, eat lunch in the Mall Food Court and return to Bethel around 1:00 pm.
Agents In Action - Lesson 13
Wednesday, May 21st, Youth Annex
We will meet at 6:00 pm in the Youth Annex, then at 7:00 we will move down to the Fellowship Hall for the Family Night covered dish dinner. We are meeting this way so we may attend the Youth Rally in Starke on May 28th.
Youth Rally in Starke
Wednesday, May 28th
We will meet at Bethel at 5:15 pm to travel to the Youth Rally in Starke at David Hurse Stadium at 6:30 pm. We are still gathering the details of this event, but there will be a special guest speaker! Ask Miss Amy who it is!
Mission Accomplished\Agent Pinning Ceremony
Sunday, June 1st, 11:00 am
God's new Special Agents will be recognized during the 11:00 am service at Bethel. K4C will participate and help lead the service!
Free Refreshment Stands
Throughout the Summer months, K4C will run a Free Refreshment Stand. On the first Wednesday of each month, we will travel to a place in the community to hand out free treats. Our first stop will be the Dollar Crazy store off Marion Street.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Agents in Action - Getting Even
This is our next to last week for Agents in Action. Our lesson this week is titled "Getting Even". We will talk about Philemon's Choice as told in the book of Philemon and focus on Jesus' words from Luke 6:36, "Be merciful, just as you Father is merciful."
Next week we will discuss "Trash Talk". On June 1st, we will have an Agent Pinning Ceremony during the 11:00 am service for God's new Special Agents!
Next week we will discuss "Trash Talk". On June 1st, we will have an Agent Pinning Ceremony during the 11:00 am service for God's new Special Agents!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Honduras Mission

Wash Cloths
Bar Soaps
Toothpaste - small travel size
I assured him that our Bethel Family could put this together with no problem. If you can help, please bring your items to Bethel by May 21st. If anyone is able to provide one item in its entirety, please call me (Amy) before Sunday or catch me before the 11:00 am service. The children will need to have the items assembled and ready for delivery by May 30th.
This will be an awesome opportunity for the kids to actually see the results of their good deeds. I plan to document the trip well by journaling and taking a lot of photos so I can spend time telling the kids about my experience in Honduras. While there, I will also be inquiring about a Pen Pal program and other ways the K4C group can be involved and how our relationship with this organization might grow.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
AIA Tomorrow Lesson 11!
We only have a few more lessons in our Agents in Action series. Tomorrow we will talk about Evangelism! We'll learn about how our good actions help others learn about God.
See you there!
See you there!
Stuffed With Hugs
Saturday, May 17th we will travel to Build-A-Bear Workshop at the Oaks Mall in Gainesville to make a stuffed Pup that will be donated to one of 3 charities - the kids will get to choose! We will need to leave the church at 8:30 am. Please let Miss Amy or Miss Dawn know if you will attend. Click the photo below for more info.

Monday, May 5, 2008
Get a Kick Out of Sharing
We recently heard of a need for soccer balls for children in Rwanda from a parishioner at St. Patrick Parish in Gainesville. He runs a small volunteer lay Catholic outreach ministry at St. Patrick which raises funds and tries to help the Catholic Diocese of Butare in Rwanda, Africa recover from the Genocide of 1994 where 1 million people out of the nation’s total population of eight million were murdered because of intertribal and political genocide. Several millions were forced into refugee status. Some million were orphaned (they have no real number on the orphans as a lot of them ended up living with uncles, aunts cousins, etc.)
The group's primary focus is on the rebuilding and repair of schools that were damaged or destroyed in the Genocide and now building new schools. There is really no money for sporting equipment. Kids tend to make their own soccer balls because a new ball in Rwanda costs between $80.00 and $100.00. That is outrageous but new soccer balls are looked at by the government as LUXURY items – hence the very large customs fees that take the price of a new ball out of reach for any family. Average annual wages for a man in Rwanda are $250.00 to $450.00 (depends on US Dollar conversion values). No family can afford that amount.
In order to assist, we are collecting USED soccer balls. The only requirement for donation is that the ball holds air. The truth is, the more USED it appears, the more likely it is to get through customs and to the children.
Following are some photos of the children and a video demonstrating how they make their own soccer balls.

The following is some statistical data from Rwanda:
o The population was 8 million people in 1993.
o In 1994 & 1995, 1 million people (12.5%) were slaughtered in a brutal holocaust.
o Violence still occasionally flares up taking lives in small genocidal attacks.
o More than one tenth of all children in Rwanda die before reaching their first birthday.
o Average life expectancy is 41 years.
o Under-5 child mortality is 17%.
o Per capita income is $250 (UN numbers - fluctuates yearly due to exchange rates and droughts).
o Pre-natal care and pre-natal education are rare.
o There are shortages in almost all medicines and medical care.
o People that need refrigerated medicines face great challenges as they have no electricity in rural areas and few refrigerators in large population centers – Hard to believe but people die because of this small issue!
o Several nearby countries (like Burundi, to the south of Rwanda) also suffered in the genocide.
o Rwanda has the largest percentage of population of Christians (60% Catholic, 10% Protestant, 1% Muslim, 29% pagan).
o Each parish has at LEAST one orphanage averaging 200 orphans.
o Each parish has at LEAST 1,000 “registered” orphans living with “sponsored” widows.
o Housing, especially in rural areas, is very rough and similar to conditions in Haiti.
o Many older orphans are severely traumatized because they saw their family butchered.
o Each parish has numerous widows who lost husbands - many lost children in the genocide.
o The four priests assigned to Christ The King Parish in the genocide were brutally martyred while trying to protect their people.
o Many parish schools and churches were destroyed or severely damaged in the genocide.
o AIDS has become rampant (UN figures are in the mid 20% range in cities – higher in the hinterlands).
o Large numbers of children are being newly orphaned as parents die of AIDS.
o Many new orphans and many babies abandoned in fields or at parish doors babies have AIDS.
o The economy is agricultural and suffers frequently from droughts.
o Medical facilities are very limited as many of the hospitals and clinics were destroyed.
o Only 8% of the total population has access to adequate sanitation.
o Only 41% of the population has access to safe water.
The group's primary focus is on the rebuilding and repair of schools that were damaged or destroyed in the Genocide and now building new schools. There is really no money for sporting equipment. Kids tend to make their own soccer balls because a new ball in Rwanda costs between $80.00 and $100.00. That is outrageous but new soccer balls are looked at by the government as LUXURY items – hence the very large customs fees that take the price of a new ball out of reach for any family. Average annual wages for a man in Rwanda are $250.00 to $450.00 (depends on US Dollar conversion values). No family can afford that amount.
In order to assist, we are collecting USED soccer balls. The only requirement for donation is that the ball holds air. The truth is, the more USED it appears, the more likely it is to get through customs and to the children.
Following are some photos of the children and a video demonstrating how they make their own soccer balls.
The following is some statistical data from Rwanda:
o The population was 8 million people in 1993.
o In 1994 & 1995, 1 million people (12.5%) were slaughtered in a brutal holocaust.
o Violence still occasionally flares up taking lives in small genocidal attacks.
o More than one tenth of all children in Rwanda die before reaching their first birthday.
o Average life expectancy is 41 years.
o Under-5 child mortality is 17%.
o Per capita income is $250 (UN numbers - fluctuates yearly due to exchange rates and droughts).
o Pre-natal care and pre-natal education are rare.
o There are shortages in almost all medicines and medical care.
o People that need refrigerated medicines face great challenges as they have no electricity in rural areas and few refrigerators in large population centers – Hard to believe but people die because of this small issue!
o Several nearby countries (like Burundi, to the south of Rwanda) also suffered in the genocide.
o Rwanda has the largest percentage of population of Christians (60% Catholic, 10% Protestant, 1% Muslim, 29% pagan).
o Each parish has at LEAST one orphanage averaging 200 orphans.
o Each parish has at LEAST 1,000 “registered” orphans living with “sponsored” widows.
o Housing, especially in rural areas, is very rough and similar to conditions in Haiti.
o Many older orphans are severely traumatized because they saw their family butchered.
o Each parish has numerous widows who lost husbands - many lost children in the genocide.
o The four priests assigned to Christ The King Parish in the genocide were brutally martyred while trying to protect their people.
o Many parish schools and churches were destroyed or severely damaged in the genocide.
o AIDS has become rampant (UN figures are in the mid 20% range in cities – higher in the hinterlands).
o Large numbers of children are being newly orphaned as parents die of AIDS.
o Many new orphans and many babies abandoned in fields or at parish doors babies have AIDS.
o The economy is agricultural and suffers frequently from droughts.
o Medical facilities are very limited as many of the hospitals and clinics were destroyed.
o Only 8% of the total population has access to adequate sanitation.
o Only 41% of the population has access to safe water.
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