Friday, August 27, 2010

Youth Breakfast THIS Sunday!!

Don't forget about the Breakfast fundraiser Sunday:

Breakfast Fundraiser
Sunday, August 29th
9:30 – 10:45 am
Bethel United Methodist Church
Breakfast is $5. All items for the breakfast will be made available. Kids should be at the fellowship hall at 8:30 am on Sunday to help. Funds raised will go to those who participate in the fund raiser.

We will do the Cake Auction at the First Sunday Celebration on September 5th.

Cake Auction
Sunday, September 5th
After the 11:00 service and Fellowship Lunch
Bethel United Methodist Church
In conjunction with Celebration Lunch, we will have a cake auction, where we will take bids for delicious cakes donated by parents and other members of the congregation. Parents are asked to donate a cake for the auction.

Monday, August 16, 2010

CHAOS - Rock the Universe 2010

CHAOS Rock the Universe Trip Info
September 10-12, 2009

This will be an awesome opportunity for our Middle & High school group! It will be an opportunity for some to hear their favorite Christian bands and for others to be introduced to Christian music at a whole new level!

We will meet at Bethel at 10:30am on Friday, September 10th. We plan to depart at 11:00am so please be on time. This is earlier than we have left in past years and means that you will have to get out of school early. We want you to get the most out of this trip and avoid the madness that we have incurred the last two years by leaving later in teh day. We will return home on Sunday around 5:00pm but will have students call parents when we are 1 hour out.

We will not know until after our breakfast fundraiser and cake auction, how much the trip will cost the students. A $50 deposit is required by September 1st. We are doing everything possible to keep the costs minimal. Right now we are estimating the cost per person to be about $150 ea. (Don’t panic, this is before the fundraising!). We will try to reduce this by as much as possible.

See below for fundraising events!

This cost includes the following:
Concert\Theme park tickets for the weekend
Meals in the park for dinner Friday and Saturday night
Breakfast and Lunch on Saturday and Sunday
Lodging for two nights

If you have any questions, please call us!

Check out for concert times, new rides and speaker schedule.


****Fundraising monies will only be used towards those students who participate in the fund raisers. The money raised at the breakfast will be divided among those students who show up to work at the breakfast, likewise for the car wash. ****

Breakfast Fundraiser
Sunday, August 29th
9:30 – 10:45 am
Bethel United Methodist Church
Kids will have tickets to sell in advance. Please help them sell them. Even if people can’t make it to the breakfast, they may buy a ticket in support of the activity.

Cake Auction
Sunday, August 29th
9:30 – 10:45 am
Bethel United Methodist Church
In conjunction with the breakfast, we will have a cake auction, where we will take bids for delicious cakes donated by parents and other members of the congregation. Parents are asked to donate a cake for the auction.

Car Wash
Saturday, September 4th
9:00 – 2:00 pm
Hardee's next to Wal-mart in Lake City.

**Kids should be at Hardee's at 8:30 am. Parents are encouraged to help as well.