Wednesday, October 15, 2008

No K4C or CHAOS tonight!

There is no K4C of CHAOS meeting tonight in the Youth Annex because of Family Night. Everyone is invited to come enjoy the covered dish dinner with their family and friends. It starts at 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Hope to see you all there! Additionally, I have this prayer for all of our kids today:

Dear Lord, Today I have been reminded that all of our members are students who are studying to advance their education and prepare for careers. For those who are not so diligent, please give them the desire to succeed and to give their best. Help them to understand what they must do to reach their potential. For those who are trying, please bless their efforts and encourage them. I pray that as they take tests, their minds will be clear and the knowledge they need will come forth as they answer the questions and respond to the statements before them. I pray that their answers will be just right. I pray for peace, wisdom, and direction. And I pray that they will always keep their priorities straight, with you at the center of their lives and the top of their list. Thank you. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.
Happy Birthday Eric!

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