Monday, February 23, 2009

This Week - Ash Wednesday

This week, we will meet at the Sanctuary at 6:00pm to observe Ash Wednesday with the congregation.

What is Ash Wednesday?

This is the day that Lent begins. It occurs forty days before Good Friday, which is the day that Jesus was crucified on the cross.

Why is it called Ash Wednesday?
Actually, its official name is the Day of Ashes. It is called Ash Wednesday because, being forty days before Good Friday, it always falls on a Wednesday and it is called Ash Wednesday because on that day those who believe in Jesus have their foreheads marked with ashes in the shape of a cross.

Why do we put a cross on our foreheads?
By putting the cross on our forehead, we are acknowledging that we have sinned, and are sorry for those sins.

What is Lent?
Lent is a time of the year when Christians are invited to simplify their lives to focus on their relationship with God. It is the 40 days before Easter.

What does Lent have to do with me?
It's pretty easy to get caught up in the drama of work, school, relationships, and family. Our lives are filled with distractions that take us away from living a life with Christ. We try to fill the emptiness inside us with mindless TV, meaningless chatter, or other things. We run from silence because we're afraid of being alone with God. So, like Jesus, we need to take some serious time to pray and figure out where God is in our lives, and where God is calling us to serve. We need to re-focus our lives to be more in line with God.

1. Skip one meal a day and give the money to the poor.
2. Start a prayer "rhythm." Say a prayer every time you brush your teeth, see a commercial, or check your e-mail.
3. Read a chapter in the Bible a day. (Matthew is a good book to start with).
4. Forgive someone who doesn't deserve it (maybe even yourself).
5. Give up sodas. Give the money you save to the Red Cross.
6. Spend ten minutes a day in silence.
7. Write someone a thank you letter.
8. Say one nice thing to someone each day.
9. Pray for others on your way to work or school.
10. Volunteer one afternoon a week at a local shelter or helping a neighbor in the yard.

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